SOUL FAMILY: Discover Your Authentic Soul Tribe
SOUL FAMILY: Discover Your Authentic Soul Tribe reminds readers that they are part of much larger, cosmic, SOUL FAMILY here on Earth to help humanity at this pivotal time in history. This book explains why readers may feel innately drawn to some people, while naturally repelled by others. Identifying 9 Major “Soul Tribe” groups comprising our larger SOUL FAMILY, Rainey Marie Highley assists readers with learning to recognize others in their Soul Tribe. This book includes a direct link to a free, comprehensive quiz where readers can discover their authentic Soul Tribe of origin. Discovering and reconnecting with one’s SOUL FAMILY can be the single most meaningful moment in a person’s life. Discovering one’s primary and secondary Soul Tribes on top of that can bring a great sense of clarity, purpose, and satisfaction unparalleled anywhere else in one’s life. This book sounds a call…a call for SOUL FAMILY everywhere to reconnect, to gather, to remember, to reach out, and ultimately, to UNITE.