Join Spiritually Inspired's host Claudiu Murgan for an in-depth, juicy interview with bestselling author Rainey Marie Highley! Topics include finding the courage to escape the matrix, discovering her soul mission, living a purpose-filled life, and what it means to go to one's deathbed with no regrets. First interviewed by Claudiu in 2020, this 2022 interview is Rainey's second interview on Spiritually Inspired, and a much deeper dive into the layers of truth and complexity revealed by Rainey as she describes in detail her transition from law firm attorney to bestselling author and spiritual life coach. Rainey discusses her 2020 book, "Soul Family - Discover Your Authentic Soul Tribe" and how an overnight awakening resulting from a mature soul exchange/agreement caused her to walk into body into 2003. Rainey describes this Walkin experience as one of three major spiritual experiences in her lifetime...the other two being revelations received during the transition of her 14 year old Pomeranian and her Mom, both in 2018. This is a not-to-be-missed-episode for anyone with a curious mind and an open heart!💚🦋💚